Nibley Park opened in May 1922 after the Nibley family donated the land to Salt Lake City, is the oldest public golf course in Utah. Its central location has made it a popular destination for city dwellers and tourists, offering breathtaking views of the Wasatch Mountains. Fairways and greens are guarded by mature trees, many of which were planted before the early pioneers arrived in Salt Lake City.


Memorial Day, Independence Day, Pioneer Day, and Labor Day are recognized holidays.

Passes and age-based rates not valid until 2:00 p.m on weekends and holidays.

Weekdays9 Holes
Senior Public (Over 60)$15
Young Adult (18 to 25)$14
Junior (17 and under)$9
SLC Golf Club$13
Senior SLC Golf Club$11
Cart Rental (Per Rider)$10
Weekends and Holidays until 29 Holes
All Players$17
Cart Rental (Per Rider)$10
Driving Range
Small Bucket$8
Large Bucket$12
Range Pass (10 Large)$90


      • 9-hole golf course
      • Driving Range – Irons only, limited flight balls
      • Two practice greens and chipping area
      • Merchandise and equipment
      • Motorized rental carts
      • Rental push carts
      • Cafe
      • Adaptive cart – not on-site, please provide 24-hour notice.

Men’s League

Our men’s league plays on Fridays and signups are available in the pro shop. You do not need a UGA Handicap to participate in the Nibley Park Men’s League. We use the USGA handicapping model to create an in house handicap.

Annual Men’s League dues are $30



Join one of the largest women’s leagues in the state! Play anytime on Wednesdays.

Women’s Golf Club’s annual dues are $25.00. You may make checks payable to NPWGC and send it to Alice Edman, 6537 South Redwood Road #2, Taylorsville, Utah 84123. You may also pay in the pro shop at Nibley Park by cash, check or credit card. You may also pay in the Nibley Park golf shop or at the Opening Social.

Any additional questions; contact Lola Britton @ 801-205-5895.

Course Photos


Men's Par44345443334
Women's Par44345553336


Nibley Park golf course was dedicated on May 20, 1922 on the site of the former Wandamere Amusement Park. Charles W. Nibley purchased the resort in the early 1900s and presented the land to Salt Lake City to be used to create the first public golf course in the state.

On the day of Nibley Park’s dedication Nibley said:

“When I think that this generation and the generations of men and women yet to come shall find healthful enjoyment and rare pleasure here in playing that splendid outdoor Scotch game known as golf, that thought gives me the highest satisfaction and most genuine pleasure.”

The property has been the “gateway to golf” for thousands of players over the last 100 years, with many of Utah’s best players growing up playing the nine-hole track before moving on to professional careers.

The monument installed by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers placed near the practice chipping green along 700 E reads:

“In the early 1860s George and Mary B. Calder built one of the first amusement parks on this spot. They cleared the land with oxen, planted grass and trees and converted a natural spring of water into a lake for boating. It was spanned by a picturesque bridge. A dance pavilion, racetrack, ball park, merry go round and other attractions were built. In the year 1909 it was improved and the name changed to Wandamere. After changing hands several times, Charles W. Nibley purchased the resort and presented it to Salt Lake City for recreational purposes.”

Getting Here

2780 S 700 E
Salt Lake City, UT 84106

Head Professional: Andrew Mecham, PGA

Superintendent: Brett Fornelius | | Assistant Superintendent: Jeff Schneider

Course Opened: 1922 | Course Designer: Harold Lamb

Course Records: Competitive, 28 – Eric Hogg | Regular, 26 – Joe Cornwall